How to Make a Sleeper Sofa Comfortable
18th Apr 2017
It’s largely accepted that most sleeper sofas are uncomfortable. The sofa bed is the place where kids are relegated on vacations, or straws are drawn to determine the unlucky guest.
Whether your sofa bed is old or new, making your sure your guests get a good night of sleep is easy when you know how to make a sleeper sofa comfortable.
But First: Why are Sleeper Sofas So Uncomfortable?
Knowing why your sleeper sofa is uncomfortable will go a long way towards determining the best fix.
Older Models
In older models, the folding bar that props up the mattress usually winds up directly under the center of the back, making it all but impossible to find a cozy spot.
The folding bar isn’t the only problem. Many mattresses on older sofas are spring-type. Springs can be old and loose, providing support in all the wrong places. Springs can also be new and stiff, which means that they feel like you are lying on the floor.
Older sleeper sofas, as well as sofas that are used on a regular basis, are also prone to sagging. This usually happens when prolonged use or age causes the mattress support – usually a metal net, webbing, or flexible boards – to lose its tension. The end effect is much like a reverse tentpole, with the areas nearest the frame often sitting above the rest of the mattress.
Newer Models
Modern technology and updates to sleeper sofa design has enabled some sofa beds to provide a truly luxurious experience. Memory foam and high-resilience foam can last for years without losing their original comfort.
Pullouts and hideaways solve many common problems of the past. These types of sofa beds are designed to reduce or avoid strain on components that normally lead to sagging beds. They also eliminate the need for that pesky support bar.
However, these types of sofas usually have stiff mattresses that are not ideal for a good night of sleep.
As you can see, the fixes for each type of sofa may vary depending on what is making the bed most uncomfortable.
How to Make a Sleeper Sofa Comfortable
Making a sleeper sofa comfortable is a snap when you know the arrival dates for your guests. With a few extra supplies, you’ll be able to create a comfortable and welcoming bed.
Use one or a combination of these ideas to make your sleeper sofa comfortable:
Provide Quality Bed Linens: You may not think about it too much, but the quality of your sheets makes a big difference for nightly comfort. The only thing worse than scratchy sheets irritating the skin and preventing sleep is when those sheets are on an uncomfortable sofa bed!
- Buy a Foam Mattress: If you have the time and ability, purchase a replacement foam mattress for use on your sofa bed. This is ideal when the sofa bed will be used on a regular basis. If you’re a DIY enthusiast, measure out sections of high-resilience foam to fit the space in the sofa, and make sectioned cushion covers so that you don’t have to drag the mattress on every night.
- Use Mattress Toppers on the Existing Mattress: Mattress toppers come in many different materials and thicknesses to fit a wide range of budgets. Egg crate toppers are perfect for mattresses that can use a little boost. Memory foam toppers, meanwhile, are best for older mattresses that need more than a quick fix. Feather mattress toppers provide both thickness and softness, but make sure that your guests don’t feather allergies!
- Pad the Support Bar: Purchase a support bar pad to help prevent sore backs. If you’re working on short notice, wrapping the bar in towels will also work in a pinch.
- Fix Sagging Mattresses: Fill the depressions in sagging mattresses with foam batting or towels. Alternately, learn how to fix the source of the sag itself by following this guide.
When unexpected guests arrive and your mattress pad is at the dry cleaner, sometimes the best you can do is lay down a few duvets for cushioning, wrap the mattress in your nicest sheets, and provide extra pillows. In these cases, treating your guests to breakfast can help get them off to a good start of the day!